December 5, 2023

Texas Mutual steps up for heart health

$57,086 raised for the American Heart Association

As the state's leading provider of workers' compensation, we've seen firsthand how healthier employees are safer and more productive at work. That's why we're proud to support our longstanding partner, the American Heart Association (AHA), throughout the year to further their mission of helping people live healthier lives. Through our companywide Heart Walk campaign this past fall, we raised $57,086 to support the AHA’s life-saving work and cardiovascular research.

Our employees found several creative ways to show their support for the AHA, including a game of Jeopardy and a Funniest Home Videos competition, where employees donated money to support their favorite contestants. We also held a companywide raffle and a t-shirt fundraiser where purchases went toward our campaign fundraising goal. Additionally, our fleet services team helped donate 3 retired vehicles this year with all proceeds benefiting the AHA.

Since heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the U.S., we know it’s important for individuals to have the education and tools needed to stay healthy. To support our employees in learning a life-saving skill, we hosted hands-only CPR training events at three of our offices. During one event, employees included their family members in learning hands-only CPR from AHA representatives.

Employees at the Dallas Heart Walk

Texas Mutual employees across the state came together to celebrate our fundraising efforts and support the AHA during Heart Walks in Austin, Dallas, Houston and Lubbock. Along with their families, employees stepped together with their neighbors in the spirit of healthy living.

We’re proud to partner with the AHA during our campaign and throughout the year to help build stronger, safer and healthier communities. We share in their life-saving mission, and together we’re continuing to help Texans lead healthier lives.