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Just for Employers

Safety Best Practices

Create a safety program for your business

A safe business saves you money, ensures your employees remain productive and healthy, and could even earn you a dividend. Put these best practices to work in your company and see the difference a safer workforce can make for your bottom line.

3 steps to a better safety program

Train employees to work safer

Training employees is the most effective way to reduce the risk of hazards. Use our free resources to train your workforce and encourage safe practices.

Just for Texas Mutual policyholders:

  • Assign safety courses to employees with our free learning management system available by logging in
  • Download more than 2,000 free resources by logging in
  • Consult with a safety expert at 844-WORKSAFE (967-5723) or

See all safety training opportunities

Shift your culture

A safety culture is the way safety is perceived, valued, prioritized and integrated in the workplace. It reflects the commitment to safety at all levels, from executives to front-line employees. Put simply, a safety culture is a set of core values and behaviors that emphasize safety as an overriding priority.

Having a positive safety culture can lead to:

  • Lower workers' compensation costs
  • Lower insurance premiums
  • Increased employee retention
  • Better recruiting and a more engaged workforce
  • Fewer lost work days

Find out how you can adopt a culture of safety in our two-part series:

What you need to know about safety culture

How to create and maintain a positive safety culture

Small changes make a big impact

Even small changes can positively affect your safety results and culture. 

  • Include a safety tip in company emails or newsletters
  • Start every staff meeting with a safety reminder
  • Post ergonomic reminders at workstations
  • Create a safety award program and let employees nominate each other for safe practices
  • Walk your workplace once a week and watch for housekeeping hazards, such as boxes stacked in walkways, spills, loose cords, slick floors or cluttered areas
  • Add signage and reminders, such as Texas Mutual's safety posters:

Never take a break from safety.

Safety Poster


En español

Drive safely. Phone down!

Driving Safety Poster


En español

Lift with your legs, not your back. 

Lifting Safety Poster


En español

Active Shooter Response

Active Shooter Response Safety Poster


En español

Assess your safety risks

Understanding your risks is an important step in improving the safety of your workplace. Using the four categories below, list what’s most likely to affect your employees in each area. Then consider whether the likelihood is high, medium or low, and how severe the risk actually is. This can help you prioritize risk mitigation and training.

1. Driving dangers – Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of workers’ comp claims in many industries. Whether you have fleet vehicles or employees are simply driving to and from meetings, driving poses a serious risk that training and company policies can reduce.

2. Facility and environment hazards– Slips, trips and falls are some of the most common causes of workplace injuries, but also watch for noise and vibration hazards, heat safety and general housekeeping issues.

3. Ergonomic issues– Work tasks that are repetitive, strenuous, done in awkward postures, or that put pressure on specific body parts could cause ergonomic problems. From office jobs to physical work, anyone in any job can experience ergonomic issues.

4. Chemical and biological hazards– While some businesses are more likely to be exposed to these hazards than others, every workplace could be subjected to them. From cleaning products to dangerous chemicals to bodily fluids and more, any employee could find themselves in the position to manage these substances.

Hazards and controls

Find tips to prevent the most common workplace injuries.

Safety training opportunities

See training resources for employers and their workforce.

Need help getting started?

Ask your insurance agent about workers' compensation with Texas Mutual. If you need help finding an agent, we can help you connect with one.

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