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February 12, 2024

Employee recovery stories: Jerry’s journey

In April of 2002, Jerry was working at a construction site in Houston, Texas. He and his co-workers were tasked with tearing down some scaffolding. While working, the load shifted and pinned Jerry against the side of a trailer, breaking his neck, severing his spinal cord and collapsing his lungs.

Jerry’s mother and brother remember the fear they felt through the first couple of days before doctors were able to stabilize him. But Jerry is a fighter. Between his strong will, family support and assistance from Texas Mutual, Jerry found the path to recovery.

As his company’s workers’ compensation carrier, Texas Mutual immediately began working on setting up a claim, initiating payments and laying the groundwork for additional support. When Regan took over as Jerry’s Texas Mutual catastrophic adjuster, he put all his compassion into the case. Regan knew Jerry needed more than just medical care. He helped Jerry transition to a well-suited home where he could thrive with others his age and enjoy activities like painting.

Watch Jerry’s heartwarming story and learn more about the impact of his relationship with Regan.


When you purchase workers’ compensation from Texas Mutual, we’re committed to supporting you and your employees, especially when someone is injured. Our adjusters take that responsibility seriously and are here to help you every step of the way. Learn more about the claim process.

See more employee recovery stories.